Man Hit By Car Dies


On April 22, 2016 in Salinas, California, John Phillips was hit by a car near his Salinas apartment. He was in the southbound lanes on Natividad Road,

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On April 22, 2016 in Salinas, California, John Phillips was hit by a car near his Salinas apartment. He was in the southbound lanes on Natividad Road, and he was struck by a car. The man who hit him did not see him in the road, and the impact was quite severe. John Phillips was thrown through the winshield, and he was very seriously injured. He had internal injuries, and he was immediately placed in intensive care at the hospital. In addition to internal injuries, he also had a serious head injury from the crash. John Phillips was in intensive care, until he died on Monday. He survived for 10 days in intensive care after his injuries. The driver in this accident wasn’t intoxicated, and he remained at the scene of the crash.

This wasn’t the first time that John Phillips was hit by a car. In fact, he was hit by a car in December, 2012. The difference that time was that the driver did not stay at the scene. Instead, he fled the scene in a hit and run. Additionally, John Phillips would often wander in the lanes of the road near his apartment, due to a mental health problem he had. Additionally, there have been several people that have been killed from being hit by cars in Salinas, California recently.