1 Killed and 5 Hurt in Crash at Ramona Expressway and Vernon Avenue


1 Killed and 5 Injured in San Jacinto Car Accident at Ramona Expressway and Vernon Avenue 1 Killed and 5 Hurt in Crash at Ramona Expressway and Ver

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1 Killed and 5 Injured in San Jacinto Car Accident at Ramona Expressway and Vernon Avenue

San Jacinto Car Accident

1 Killed and 5 Hurt in Crash at Ramona Expressway and Vernon Avenue

San Jacinto, California (April 29, 2018) – One person was killed and several others were injured in a collision involving three cars in San Jacinto on Saturday evening.

The collision was reported shortly before 9 p.m. April 28, at the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Ramona Expressway.

Officers who responded to the collision found seven injured people at the scene. Two of the victims required extrication from the cars.

One injured person succumbed to injuries at the scene.

Five people were transported to nearby hospitals for treatment of minor and moderate injuries.

No further information was provided.

An investigation is ongoing.