Grandmother died, 5 Injured When Car Jumps Curb


April 30, 2016 LOS ANGELES, Calif. – A driver of a car that jumped the curb killed a grandmother and injured 5 people close to an apartment complex

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April 30, 2016

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – A driver of a car that jumped the curb killed a grandmother and injured 5 people close to an apartment complex in North Hollywood Saturday afternoon.

Paramedics transported five people with non-life threatening injuries to a hospital nearby, reported the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The grandmother’s three granddaughters, ages 7, 8 and 13, were injured as well as a male driver, stated the Los Angeles Police Department Valley Traffic Division.

The fatal accident occurred approximately 4:00 p.m. in the 12700 block of Vanowen Street. A driver of a white BMW attempted to pass a driver in a silver Mustang in the turning lane. The driver of the Mustang lost control of the car, and slammed into a pick-up truck, according to authorities.

The driver of the BMW collided with multiple other vehicles on the road before the car jumped the curb. The BMW slammed into a wrought iron fence after it initially struck a grandmother and her 3 granddaughters on the sidewalk.

The white sedan eventually stopped behind the fence at an apartment complex. The parents of the little girls also saw the accident and rushed to their three girls’ side. It appears the victims witnessed the accident and saw the car veering toward them on the sidewalk, according to police.

The scene was under investigation by police detectives. Both male drivers of the cars are cooperating in the investigation. Drugs, alcohol nor drag racing were contributing factors in the fatal accident. However,
Investigations are looking into the speed of both cars.

It is unknown if the drivers will face criminal charges at the moment.