Trucking Accident in Val Verde


February 23, 2016 In the Val Verde area of California, specifically west of Santa Clarita, a truck accident turned fatal as two people were killed

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February 23, 2016

In the Val Verde area of California, specifically west of Santa Clarita, a truck accident turned fatal as two people were killed while traveling on State Route 126.

Of the two trucks involved, one was carrying a load of lemons that ended up spilling all across the highway. The crash was first reported at 9:30 am local time from Chiquito Canyon Road. State Route 126 was then closed going both direction at around 9:45 am when SigAlert was declared. The road was reopened later that day at 4 pm but with one lane open going each direction.

Officer Randall Wright of the Los Angeles County Fire Department stated that two people were found dead at the scene, with two semi trucks being the main ones involved in the accident. One of these was a flatbed truck that was carrying 40,000 pounds of lemons. The other was a big rig with two trailers, that now has a destroyed cab and owned by Oak Harbor Freight Lines. Among this accident involving the trucks was also a passenger vehicle, a gray Sedan with mostly front-end damage.

What remains unknown is the identity of who drove each vehicle involved.

2 Dead in Crash Near Val Verde; Lemons Spilled Across Lanes, Blocking State Route 126