Big Rig Crashes Into Turlock, CA Apartment Building, Kills One


May 5th, 2016 Many people value their personal space. They do not want nosy salespeople or neighbors poking around in their business. Particularly,

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May 5th, 2016

Many people value their personal space. They do not want nosy salespeople or neighbors poking around in their business. Particularly, they are opposed to a big rig crashing through their apartment. That is what happened when a big rig slammed into an apartment complex.

Sukhmander Gill was driving on Highway 99 at around 11 AM. Then the truck began to truck off the road. It crashed through the highway perimeter fence, then through a concrete wall and into parked cars at the Avena Bella Apartments.

Somebody was inside one of the parked cars. They sustained minor injuries and were taken to a local hospital. Debris from the crash broke windows in the apartment building.

Gill, unfortunately, deceased as a result.

Investigators are still not certain about what led to the truck accident. A few possibilities are that Mr. Gill fell asleep behind the wheel of the truck. Alcohol or drugs could have been involved. Alternatively, the truck could have malfunctioned or there could have been a faulty mechanism that caused him to lose all control of his truck and drift off the highway. The CHP is not sure about what could have brought about this unfortunate incident.

The highway was not closed after the incident. Traffic was not severely delayed and the debris in the apartment complex was cleaned up quickly.